Epoch DHTML JavaScript Calendar 2.0 Documentation

This documentation is intended for use with version 2.0 of the Epoch JavaScript Calendar. For older versions (1.0.6 and below), see the original documentation.


The Epoch DHTML JavaScript Calendar 2.0 is an advanced calendar that is free for non-commercial use. It is written entirely in JavaScript and is compatible with ALL major browsers (Internet Explorer 6+, FireFox, Netscape, Opera, and more). All styling and colors for the calendar is handled using CSS – there are no hard-coded styles in the JavaScript code. While we've made every attempt to ensure backwards-compatibility with the older Epoch versions (1.0.6 and below), there are some differences in the way Epoch 2.0 is used, including:

  • Introduction of the dates array – holds all notable dates; including holidays, blackout dates, etc
  • selectedDates is now a simple pointer array to dates – containing only the dates that are currently selected
  • Many of the functions that were previously publicly accessible are now private — they cannot be accessed outside of the main Epoch class declaration.

HowTo Guides

Set Up Epoch 2.0
A Step-by-step guide on setting up Epoch on your system
Working with dates
Introduction to the dates array and using it to populate your calendar
Working with Popup/DatePicker Mode
Using Epoch as a popup or datepicker control


Epoch Class Reference
The Epoch object contains all calendar code – this is the core of Epoch.
CalCell Reference
CalCell holds all the information related to the calendar's date cells
CalHeading Reference
CalHeading is most important in multi-select mode, where it handles the selection/deselection of columns of dates.
WeekHeading Reference
WeekHeading, also important in multi-select mode, handles the selection/deselection of rows of dates
Other Function Reference
These functions perform other important operations, including maintaining browser-compatibility and extending standard JavaScript libraries.