Epoch Documentation

Our documentation has been updated for Epoch version 2.0.1 – click here to view the new documentation. For more detailed questions, check out the MeanFreePath Epoch Forums.

Public Properties & Methods:

These are the properties and methods you can access and manipulate in your scripts. They are roughly ordered in terms of most-frequent usage


Format: Name – Type

state – Int
The current state of the calendar – 0: initializing, 1: redrawing, 2: finished.
name – String
A unique identifier for the calendar – ideally the same as the variable name for the calendar. It is prepended in front of any id attributes for its child elements.
curDate – Date
The current date (NOT the currently selected date)
selectedDates – Array
An array containing all the dates selected on the calendar. If the selectMultiple configuration property is set to false, it only contains one element - selectedDates[0]
displayYear – Int
The currently displayed 4-digit year – must respect UNIX date parameters (i.e. between 1970 and 2038). Do not set this manually — use goToMonth() instead.
displayMonth – Int
The currently displayed month, in JavaScript Notation (i.e. 0 (January) to 11 (December)). Do not set this manually — use goToMonth() instead.
visible – Bool
Indicates whether the calendar is showing (true) or hidden (false).


Format: Name – Return Type

show() – none
Display the Calendar
hide() – none
Hide the Calendar from view
toggle() – none
Displays or hides the Calendar, based on whether it is currently showing or hidden
goToMonth(Int year, Int month) – none
Go to the requested month/year.
nextMonth() – none
Advances the month by 1. If the month is December, go to January of the next year
prevMonth() – none
Advances the month by 1. If the month is January, go to December of the previous year
outputDate(Date vDate, String vFormat) – String (Deprecated)
Takes the JavaScript Date object vDate and outputs a date string of the format vFormat
addDates(Array dates, bool redraw) – none (version 1.0.4 and above)
Adds an array of JavaScript Date Objects to the calendar's selectedDates array, redrawing the calendar if redraw is true (default).
removeDates(Array dates, bool redraw) – none (version 1.0.4 and above)
Removes the JavaScript Date Objects in dates from the calendar's selectedDates array, redrawing the calendar if redraw is true (default).
UpdatePos(HTMLElement target) – none
Moves the calendar to the HTML Element specified by target. Useful when page layout is changed after being loaded.

Configuration Variables

These variables are set by the programmer and are initialized upon calendar construction. Their scope is private, and as a rule should not be set after the calendar is initialized.

mode – String
The primary mode of the calendar: can be 'flat' (Standard) or 'popup' (DatePicker)
displayYearInitial – Int
The initial 4-digit year to display on calendar construction (1970 to 2038)
displayMonthInitial – Int
The initial month to display on load (0-11)
minDate – Date
The lowest date allowed on the calendar.
maxDate – Date
The highest date allowed on the calendar.
startDay – Int
The day the week will 'start' on: 0(Sun) to 6(Sat)
showWeeks – Bool
Whether the week numbers will be shown next to the calendar cells
selCurMonthOnly – Bool
Restrict user from selecting dates outside the currently displayed month
clearSelectedOnChange – Bool
Whether to clear all selected dates when changing months

Flat mode-only settings:

Flat mode sets the calendar to a block-level HTML element that by default will always display. This mode also allows the programmer to allow the user to select multiple dates sumultaneously.

selectMultiple – Bool
whether the user can simultaneously select multiple dates.

Popup mode-only settings:

Popup mode initializes the calendar to behave like a datepicker. i.e. it will display only when its target element has focus, disappearing when the user clicks on a date in the calendar. In this mode the user may not select multiple dates simultaneously.

topOffset – Int
The vertical distance (in pixels) to display the calendar from its input element.
leftOffset – Int
The horizontal distance (in pixels) to display the calendar from its input element.

Private Properties & Methods:

Familiarity with these properties and methods is only necessary if you plan to modify the internal workings of the calendar. Because the privacy of these properties and methods is not enforced in this version, it is strongly recommended you do not access them in your code, as they may be unavailable in future versions.


Format: Name – Type

calendar – HTMLTableElement
Holds the entirety of the DOM elements related to the calendar. This is appended to the element described in container in the calendar constructor
calHeading – HTMLTableElement
Holds the DOM elements related to the Day display above the calendar cells
calCells – HTMLTableElement
Table containing all of the table cells displaying the dates for the currently displayed month
rows – Array (Bool)
An array of boolean values describing whether the related row has been selected by the user. Applicable only when selectMultiple and showWeeks are true
cols – Array (Bool)
An array of boolean values describing whether the related column has been selected by the user. Applicable only when selectMultiple is true
cells – Array (Object CalCell)
A numerically-indexed array of CalCell objects – length will match that of the total cells in the calCells table.
container – HTMLElement
The HTML Element the calendar is the child of in the DOM. Ideally, this should only contain the calendar.
tgt – HTMLInputElement
The HTML Input Element whose value will be manipulated when the user selects a date. Should be of type text or hidden


Format: Name – Return Type

getTop(HTMLElement element) – Int
Returns the absolute Top property value of an element, with respect to the absolute top of BODY
getLeft(HTMLElement element) – Int
Returns the absolute Left property value of an element, with respect to the absolute left of BODY
calConfig() – none
Function where the programmer-set variables are initialized
setLang() – none
Initializes language-related constants. Can be modified to change the language of the calendar.
setDays() – none
Initializes the basic day of week-related variables
setClass(HTMLElement element, String className) – none
Encapsulates the setAttribute DOM function to work with CSS classes on both W3C and Internet Explorer
createCalendar() – none
Creates the top-level Calendar HTMLTableElement and adds all child elements to it, finally adding it to the containing element
createMainHeading() – HTMLDivElement
Creates the DOM implementation of the main calendar heading & requisite child elements; including the month/year select elements and buttons
createFooter() – HTMLDivElement
Creates the Footer of the calendar & requisite child elements
createDayHeading() – HTMLTableElement
Creates the DOM implementation of the day headings, as well as initialization of the CalHeading objects if selectMultiple is true
resetSelections(Bool returnToDefaultMonth) – none
Resets the selection variables (selectedDates, rows, cols, and others) to their default values. Returns calendar to initial month if returnToDefaultMonth is true
createCalCells() – HTMLTableElement
Creates the DOM implementation of the calendar date cells, including the CalCell Objects and related event handlers, and the week headings, if showWeeks is true
reDraw() – none
Updates the CSS classes (styles) of the calendar date cells to reflect their status.
deleteCells() – none
Removes and destroys the DOM implementations of the date cells and their related CalCell objects
addZero() – String
Adds a leading zero to single-digit integers; used in formatting dates.

Additional Methods for the JavaScript Date Object

These are methods added to the JavaScript Date object to extend it's functionality. These methods will be automatically added to any Date object used when the Epoch class file is present.

int getDayOfYear()
Gets the day of the year for the given date (i.e. 1 for January 1, 365 for December 31). Takes leap years into account.
int getWeek()
Gets the week of the year for the given date.
int getUeDay() – version 1.0.4
Gets the number of days since the UNIX epoch, adjusting the result for the local timezone – useful for comparing dates without times.
string dateFormat(string format) – version 1.0.4

Formats the date in the format specified in format. If format is NOT set, it will default to the ISO 8601 date/time standard (i.e. 2006-04-05 20:52:21) The format string components are the same as the PHP date() function, with minor exceptions.

The format string consists of the following abbreviations:


format characterDescriptionExample returned values
dDay of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros01 to 31
DA textual representation of a day, three lettersMon through Sun
jDay of the month without leading zeros1 to 31
l (lowercase 'L')A full textual representation of the day of the weekSunday through Saturday


format characterDescriptionExample returned values
FA full textual representation of a month, such as January or MarchJanuary through December
mNumeric representation of a month, with leading zeros01 through 12
MA short textual representation of a month, three lettersJan through Dec
nNumeric representation of a month, without leading zeros1 through 12


format characterDescriptionExample returned values
YA full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits1999 or 2003
yA two digit representation of a year99 or 03


format characterDescriptionExample returned values
aLowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiemam or pm
AUppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiemAM or PM
g12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros1 through 12
G24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros0 through 23
h12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros01 through 12
H24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros00 through 23
iMinutes with leading zeros00 to 59
sSeconds, with leading zeros00 through 59

CC-GNU LGPLThis software is licensed under the CC-GNU LGPL.